Friday, August 7, 2009

Job Hunting

Well, I went job-hunting for about an hour this morning. I turned in applications at 3 vets within ten minutes of the house. One said they weren't hiring at the moment but might later in the month, another didn't seem that interested, and the last one seemed interested when I mentioned a job in the kennel. Out of all the places, I really like the last one I went to. I'm giving the vets a week before I'll begin searching elsewhere, as there is a Chick-fil-a that will be hiring part-time workers this fall and Mom says Panera (a lovely sandwich place) is always hiring. So... we'll have to pray and wait to see what the Lord has planned.

Now back to work. The Josh Cunningham cousins (not the younger two) are coming over tonight for a last hurrah before school starts, and cleaning must be done. Plus I've got to find space for my scrubs and the stuff in the large basket that I have no clue where to put.

1 comment:

J. Blair said...

If it is the Chick-fil-a near your house (and you get the job), you'll see me a whollllllle lot! :)