Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Job Hunting... still

I turned in two applications to Chick-fil-A this morning but was frustrated that I did not speak to a manager or supervisor. At one of them, a worker took the application and said she'd put it on the manager's desk. Every single job I've applied for in the past two weeks, the office manager or whoever runs things has never ever been there, and I think maybe I'm cursed. I decided to turn in an application to Kroger, but no Kroger in Georgia is hiring part-time workers. As I was more or less venting my frustrations a little, Seth turned to me and said that in this economy it's unlikely I'll get a job. I hope I do find a job because if I don't, then I won't have any steady income and won't be able to go to college because I've really been wanting to pay for it out of my own pocket, to work for it myself and not to have someone else do it for me.

I'm giving it a week to see if I get a response, though right now I'm feeling pessimistic about my chances.

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