Monday, December 6, 2010

Fashion Sense

Fashion sense on campus is pretty bad. Mandy has a lot of fun critiquing the students when I'm dropped off or picked up; her favorite (and I speak facetiously) are guys who wear skinny jeans. Sometimes it can otherwise can very disturbing with some of the girls dressing like... well, I'll leave the word to your guessing, if you can read my mind.

Well, one would think that with the cold weather making itself right at home in Georgia that people would start wearing pants and sweaters. I myself gave up on wearing skirts to school the week after Thanksgiving because it was just too cold. Apparently not everyone else shares my desire for warmth. Today I've seen girls wearing mid-calf boots walking around in short skirts (like, for example, above the knee) and a sweater. I guess getting attention trumps practicality.

That reminds me. I need to dig through my drawer and find my hat. It'd help me stop freezing during my long walks between the buildings on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Well, only a few days of classes left, then it's finals next week. If I can get this huge history paper done on time and with the proper number of pages, I will be an extremely happy person and will feel like leaping around and shouting for joy. So... off to the paper I go.

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