Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Lord of the Rings

In the five minutes before history of philosophy class this morning, we four students and Mr. Butler had fun critiquing the movie and its poor choice of actors. The only ones Mr. Butler (a Lord of the Rings scholar from what I hear) liked in the movies were those who were computer animated. We made fun of their portrayal of (what I called) Frodo as a complete pansy (as Mr. Butler put it: "Oh, Sam" and then a shot of Wood's blue eyes on the movie screen), and it got some laughs. Ben C. got his "Lord of the Rings" jokes then left the room, as he doesn't take philosophy with the rest of us. I love the humor of this place.

Mandy is still in pain. They picked up a prescription for her yesterday, but she's still not her old self. It seems every time she goes to the orthodontist or some other tooth doctor that she comes home in pain. She's certainly looking forward to her braces coming off hopefully next spring.

On a related note, I think Fuzz is better. Last night, he climbed onto the book Mom was reading and began purring and rubbing himself against her. He also enjoyed a "love fest" this afternoon when I rubbed his belly and made him purr loudly. He seems back to his normal self, and the cat owner's 6th sense isn't there like it was last week.

Still haven't gotten the nanowrimo problem fixed, but I think I've got an idea for my story. It's something I've thought about before but haven't really expounded on it or anything. I'll need to do some research for it, but I don't read many of this kind of story so I'd like to see how that goes.

Oh, we got rid of our piano. We didn't use it for much except for stacking stuff on it, as none of us kids really took an interest in playing it though we all learned how. We gave it to Uncle Josh, and it now is in his basement. This weekend, we're hopefully throwing out the couch that eats people and laundry and getting one of Grandma Linda's. This means that now the living room will get re-organized, the carpet cleaned, and otherwise fall organizing done for that part of the house.

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