Well, Monday was pretty much a wreck with flooding all over Atlanta and its suburbs and rain on-and-off most of the day. Tuesday dawned sunny, and there was much rejoicing, as we hadn't seen the sun for days. Today is also sunny but cool (very fall-esque). But, the rain hasn't gone anywhere quietly. Parts of Atlanta were flooded under a few feet of water, as Seth and I watched on weather.com clips, though most of the damage was done further south. It grew closer to home when the small dam near Collins Hill and Taylor burst and washed out those two roads. One family from our sister church Chalcedon had part of their road collapse because of the rain, and another had a flooded basement. But the worse damage for us is at the church. The whole sanctuary except for the middle part was covered in water, as was the cry room and part of room 7, as I mentioned earlier. Well, the evil mildew has set in. The sanctuary and cry room smell horrendous (Mom had a headache from standing in the sanctuary for just ten minutes), and we had to have class in room 6 this morning because room 7 stank. Mom spent a lot of time trying to find someone to come in and clean the carpets thoroughly, but the businesses are swamped (literally) with people who have our same problem. In the end, we're hopefully going to get everyone to loan their fans to the church to dry the carpet out. Hopefully we can get the rooms to stop smelling before Sunday, as they've cancelled several events like prayer meeting and Geneva at Home for that reason.
Despite the floods, we were untouched. The worst damage was the mulch being moved from the backyard flower bed next to the deck to an unknown location somewhere else in the yard, and then the sewers nearly being flooded down the street. We're thankful that nothing major happened, and I'm thankful that we live on a hill.
Well, got to get back to homework. I don't have Bible class for two weeks because of us three students taking vacations at different times, but I want to make sure that I get all my reading done on time, as it'll be crunch time after I get back from Florida. Plus, after I get this reading done, I'm in a researching mood (thanks to Mr. Price's lecture on Monday) and so want to do more geeking out.
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