Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cat, Couch, and Conversation

A funny thing happened the other day that gave a few of us a good laugh.

Mom, Mandy, and myself were sitting in the living room watching a movie when one of Mandy's friends called, so we had to put it on pause. While the conversation was going on, our fattest cat Claws jumped up on the couch next to Mom. Now, this cat has the weird tendency to, whenever you pet or touch her near the base of her tail, to start licking or gnawing on the thing nearest to her, whether it be herself, you, or a piece of furniture; and she has no power to fight it, only adding to its bizarre nature. Mom began making Claws doing such action, except the cat began gnawing on the couch. Mandy had to stifle a laugh, as she was still on the phone, which made the rest of his laugh and Claws start biting the cough again. After a few minutes, Mandy, not able to contain her laughter any longer, had to leave the room. It was a funny moment.

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