Friday, October 16, 2009

Brrr... cold

After a nice hot week in sunny Florida, now it's back to autumn in Georgia. Gloomy autumn, that is. It's been raining or cloudy most of the week, and now the temperature is beginning to drop to the 50's during the day. The good thing about the weather is that Lake Lanier is officially filled... after it got drained due to a mistake made by whoever was running Buford Dam, but still it's good news. At least, provided no further mistakes are made, Gwinnett County won't turn into a desert. Despite getting lots of rain, which I'm not complaining about, I'm not ready for the weather to turn cold again. I don't mind the heat (as long as the humidity isn't bad but which isn't reality most of the time in the South), but as a Southern gal I'm not a fan of the cold. Well, I don't mind it if we get snow, not the powdery stuff that falls for an hour then melts almost instantly. I'd say we're overdue for another snowstorm (the last major one being in 1993). Now that'd be nice.

This week went well. Nothing big happened except the usual routine of school and the like. Seth's been drawing some more and has also been writing more of his ant story (he's up to ten chapters, I think). Mandy's been her usual social self, and she's getting me hooked on electronic pop band Owl City (love their song "Fireflies"). However, Mims seems be catching a cold or is in early stages of her asthma. She started coughing while we were in Florida, which was odd, and it continued after we came home. She's been taking her asthma medicine, and we hope to nip this thing in the bud. Though it is odd that this year it came early because usually her coughs don't start until February, not October. Maybe it's the cool weather. This week, we girls have been in sort of a frenzy, constantly voting for Amy's blog "The Budget Mommy," and it seemed as if everyone's hard work was paying off. Yesterday, we received a nasty shock when a rival blog suddenly jumped to first place, leaving Amy in the dust of second place. Now there are so many votes that it's hard to make a dent. We'll keep trying, but it'll be harder then it was before the rival joined the game. Maybe I should report that the numbers are off; they don't all add up to 100% but to 101%.

Well, back to work. Nanowrimo starts in 18 days, and I'm trying to get some of the chapter outlines organized so I can push myself to finish in time.

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