Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Last Post

This will be my last blogpost on this blog. There's a lot I want to say about Memorial Day and the graduation ceremony on Friday, but I'm not sure how much I want to write because I'm in a story writing mood and because I'm not sure if I should post it here or on my other blog.

I haven't uploaded the pictures of Memorial Day, as I didn't have time Monday night and only got on the computer today. I will say that it was a wonderful day with a game of tag football for the guys (and Mrs. Sheehan) who got roasted in the hot sun, excellent food, some drizzle and then the sun came out finally, and other sports. I'll try to upload the pictures as soon as I can, but I'm not in the mood to go upstairs and get my camera.

We safely made it to Houston on Tuesday night. We left the house at 6:52 AM and arrived in Houston around 9 PM. It was a long trip, and we mostly did it without our laptops thanks to the fuse for the AC converter blowing while charging up Seth's monstrous laptop while he played Celtic Kings. It was a long ride, but we made it with little traffic (and little road construction). We went through a lot of rain, and I never realized how much of the South is actually marshland.

Well, Mandy's dragging me into a game of bananagrams (like individual scrabble), so I better join in. I'll post about my job interview on my new blog after the game is over.

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