Sunday, March 23, 2014

Is Spring Here Yet?

Life around here still remains crazy. Not least of all the weather, which is still alternating between winter temps and spring temps. Buds and flowers are beginning to appear, so hopefully warmer weather is coming soon.

A few weeks ago, over my spring break, Mom, Dad, Mandy, and myself traveled to Arizona. We spent two days driving out there (and more than half of that was across Texas), spent three days in Arizona, then spent another two days driving back. It meant many long hours in the car and a few days of fast food, but we had a good visit with Grandma and Tom. We relaxed at their house, had dinner with Uncle Jack and Judy, went swimming, visited Casa Grande ruins, and a few of us went on a little hike to see some desert ecology. God protected us on our long road trip and brought us back safely. He also protected Seth and Ben. While we were gone, there was a particularly windy day that blew down several big branches in our yard and a few trees in our neighborhood; thankfully, the branches didn't break the powerlines or do any serious damage, and Seth and Ben cleaned it up before we got home. It was Seth's first time spending a week by himself, and he did well though he did miss us.

Speaking of Seth, he has moved out. A friend at church asked him to help with a sub-lease on a rental home, so Seth agreed to take it on for the next six months. After that, Seth may move back home or pick up the lease in full. He's moved out some of his stuff, and we've been helping him figure out what he will do be doing for meals and the like. It is weird not to have Seth here and for it to be only the three of us.

School is still keeping me busy. I didn't have a lot of time to read over spring break, so I'm playing a bit of catch-up for "Heart of Darkness," a book that I really dislike. I'm also preparing to sign up for my fall classes, which is proving tricky because there's not a lot of upper-level classes that I need and because I want to take a few upper level classes at the time so that I don't get burned out or have an insanely huge homework load.

Well, I should probably get some reading done so I have less to do tomorrow. I just wanted to write a quick update.