I apologize for the lack of posts, but I'm up to my neck in school and this stupid nano (which has no end in sight and which is making me hate its boring self). There's just so much to post about, but when I finally find the time to sit down, I've forgotten some of it.
Last Saturday, we attended the church's annual Thanksgiving dinner, which is always a great time of fellowship. Everyone pitched in and brought something, and the food was delicious. Mom bought some new gadget that allowed her to make ten pounds of mashed potatoes, and oh, were they excellent! After the meal, everyone, kids and adults alike, was allowed to stand up one at a time and share what they were thankful for. You had a wife thankful that her husband is returning from Afghanistan in a few weeks, husbands thankful for their wives, thanking God for being employed during this tough economic time, and being thankful for attending a good church. After that, everyone pitched in to clean up the church and prepare it for worship the next day. We were the last to leave, as Mom mopped the floor, and we were tired the next day. But, nonetheless, we enjoyed the service. One thing that was especially nice was being able to use our new sanctuary. About a month or so ago, construction finally began on the expansion of our church. They first built the extension on the back of the sanctuary then covered it before knocking down the wall to connect the two rooms. The newer part of the room is not quite finished yet, but sitting in it during the dinner and during church definitely made the entire sanctuary look bigger. Looking at the original size, I'm amazed that we fit so many people into the room; we must have absolutely been like canned sardines.
Now that the extension is connected, it will continue on the front side of the building where the sanctuary will be expanded about ten more feet. The bad thing about this is that today they tore up the bushes and sidewalk in the front of the church, which makes getting to the door complicated and muddy. We're supposed to be using the new door, but it's been blocked off because the extension is not quite finished. As I said, it complicates things.
Oh, before I forget. Thursday was loads of fun. We gathered a small group of peers from the youth group to go to the north Georgia corn maze before it closed down for the season on Saturday. We got dinner at McDonald's then drove an hour and a half to the Cleveland area. We then proceeded to get lost trying to find the road to turn onto, so Mom called Dad for help. With his aid, we figured that there are two roads titled "75" in the Cleveland/ Helen area; idiots couldn't have come up with a different name for it. Anyway, we arrived at the place but found that no one was at the desk. We were tempted to go inside the maze inside anyway, but a guy arrived, so we paid and went inside. The goal of the maze is to put seven whole punches into your paper from little hole punches all over the maze. We had to find these using flashlights. Mandy hung with Christopher and Bethany, Seth and Ben C. were loners, Ben G. and Cliff were together, and I was with Mom. The maze was much muddier than we expected, and our shoes and pants were covered in mud afterwards. Next time, I'll wear tennis shoes and not crocs. Anyway, Cliff and Ben, who finished early, took great delight in sneaking up on the girls and making them scream so loud you could hear them from all the way across the maze (which covered roughly eight acres). Cliff and Ben were cruel to me and Mom by jumping us and making Mom lose her hair clip temporarily. Then, while we were looking for the 4th hole puncher, they covered it up while we walked past. Towards the end, my eyes got used to the dark, so I walked without a flashlight. I found the 4th and 6th hole puncher by myself after I split off from Mom towards the end, and I had to guide her to both of them. After we finished the maze and got a few pictures (which I have yet to upload), we climbed back into the car and drove back to the church. After we dropped off Bethany to go home with Ben, we went to Burger King for a midnight snack of onion rings. We were tired, but oh, it was so much fun! We're planning on going again next fall and maybe even filming another film there, as the place would be perfect for either a sequel to "Curse of the Wood Man" or some sappy horror film.
And the rest of the week is going to be busy as well. Tomorrow we're having some friends over for a movie night to watch the new "Star Trek" (we watched it on Friday, and it was good). I have school on Wednesday (curse the Butler for only giving me one day for Thanksgiving break), then on Thursday we're going to Jefferson to celebrate Thanksgiving with the clan.